Linoluna: Magazine-style Theme for Wordpress

Bored of usual Wordpress template? Well, magazine-style themes is now becoming a trend. With Linoluna, you will be brought to a new level of blogging. It is a simple and neat theme for a magazine-styled blog. The theme use the Wordpress’ template tags quite extensively but still, it is very easy to use. Linoluna best suits a multi-author Wordpress blog

The CSS is lean and the design is very simple. Basically it is a grid-styled layout with green accents. The theme uses a tabbed navigation to show the most popular posts. There are four tabs avaiable and by default it is “Viewed”, “Commented”, “Top Rated”, and “Emailed”. There is a slideshow animation for the featured articles in the front page. It is a simple JavaScript from

You can see the statistics of each page in a rectangular box inside every post. I include some fresh icons to make everything look better. The statistics includes the total comments, total views, author name, category, date, and the email and print function. For the best functionality, you should have the plugin WP-PostView, WP-PostRating, WP-Print, WP-Email installed. Those plugins are from


  • Download and extract the zip file.
  • Upload the theme file to your server at “/wp-content/themes/” folder.
  • Activate the theme. (Admin Panel -> Presentation -> Themes)

Download this themes. Click Here