Zoxengen wordpress theme is a 3 column widgetize theme with theme options. Theme post styling are also optimize with theme option backend global font config. you can change the font and headline style anyway you like.
The theme features and How To are already inserted in theme page so you can check out how to make a caption post or how to used the p class for downloads ect… ok now let’s see what the theme features are:
Theme featured and functionality
- 3 column left content layout
- Widgetize sidebars
- 4-6 block 125×125 ads in sidebar
- Social tool in single page only to save load time
- Theme option
- Custom field
- jslide featured articles *added ability to turn off in theme option
- Net-subscribes included in sidebar with alexa tool and technorati tools
- Post-styling (downloads, caption etc) *theme page explained
- Top header and single page adsense block *remove the code if not used
- Plugin integrated as listed below
- Compatible with wordpress version 2.1+
Plugins supported and tested
- Get-recent-comments by Krischan Jodies
- Myavatar by Andrea Micheloni & Napolux
- WP-PageNavi, WP-Polls, WP-PostRatings and WP-PostViews by Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan
- Popularity Contest, ShareThis and WP Grins *known issue below by Alex King
- Subscribe To Comments by Mark Jaquith
- Theme Switcher by Ryan Boren
- Dagon Design Sitemap Generator by Dagon Design
Download this themes. Click Here